Wrap up warm as you descend into THE ICE PALACE!    ALL HAIL THE ICE QUEEN!

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One snowy Christmas Eve, PC Reg Hollis went out in search of a Christmas Tree. Unfortunately he took a wrong turn on the Canley High Street and was founded 2 months later in the depths of the Antarctic, mumbling something about that Nick Klein was wrong about Captain Scott.

After weeks of therapy and TLC at St Hughes Hospital, the doctors decided that he was as well as he was going to get, despite the fact that he continued to tell unbelievable stories of finding a kingdom where it, along with it's inhabitants who travelled on penguin-back, were made entirely of ice.

Unknown to the people of the world, the Icicles, the people of the Ice Kingdom, were so intrigued by the unusual creature, Reginald Hollis, that the treated him like royalty until he repaid their gratitude by showing them how to build a fire. A whole community was left destroyed and melting and the Icicles had no other option to banish him and left him to be rescued by any passing penguins half a mile from the South Pole.

However, the ruler of the Ice Kingdom, the magnificent Ice Queen *all bow in her presence*, was curious. What kind of civilisation could the Reginald have been brought up in? Were there more or was he completely unique? Finally she reached a decision: she would travel to Sunhill, in London UK, undercover, as a humble Detective Sergeant. Adored and admired be her followers, and assuming the identity of DS Debbie McAllister, the Ice Queen courageously braved the April showers, the summer sun and the hordes of drooling men as she travelled to her destination.


The story continues...

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Disclaimer: This is an unofficial site, non-commercial website, with no connection to Natlie Roles or The Bill. The Bill is Copyright Thames TV - A Pearson Television Company. Material obtained from the programme is strictly for personal use only and remains the copyright of Thames/Pearson Television. .